I decided to start "blogging" about my life and really begin selling my existance, just like on any other social networking site. Apparently this wave of internet prying has become acceptable if not necessary; living your life 100% in the real world is far too vulgar. Though my experience with myspace left me socially redundant. I began to realise that I should spend more time with my friends rather than re organsing my top friends. But it's that beautiful, irrational notion of the validitiy I feel when gushing these self-aware syllables that enrich my life and somehow clear me of the following complaints : insomnia, boredom, a mild dust allergy, dwindling supplies of bobby pins, cheap wire hangers and the repition of "I".
I hope this blog will at least amuse someone if not myself. I'm at that stage of the evening where my keyboard and I have decided to enter into a platonic relationship, i'm not going to lie it is comforting. So, I'll stop explaining why I'm here and get assertive; I intend to post hidden gems from a spectrum of my passions:
-Film -From the socially conscious 'kitchen sink' dramas of the 60s, exploitation and dealing with Russ Meyer's tit obsession. Being thrilled by Hitchcock, challenged by Godard and moved by Elia Kazan, foreign liasons and being in awe of Anna Karina.
-Music - Feeding you all good northern soul for the soul, rhythm and blues, psychedelia, garage rock, real punk, new wave, no wave, blues, jazz, poetic/socially concious hip hop etc, reggae/ska (Trojan records).
-Clothes - my fettish for headwear (especially discovering the perfect 40s turbans), proper leater shoes and an infinite obsession with trenchcoats, dresses, dresses, dresses, hoisery and good tailoring
-Beauty - Constantly trying to create mine via vintage hairstyles and lashings of eyelinerand rouge; looking at too many photos of Peggy Moffit and pin-ups of the past has given me a complex.
I'll continue into the field of culture, art, literature (take delight in some poetry) and poli-tricks + lots of nice photos.
Alright, I think I've covered all the bases as quickly as I can. I'll wrestle with my ego and write something worth reading once I understand how to actually use this site.
Over and out?